5 unusual things I've done during COVID-19 lockdown

COVID 19 pandemic forced us to stay inside our home for a time period that felt really long. News of people getting sick and death poll in news were making all of us anxious. Amongst this time of depression, people were trying many things to keep themselves engaged and keep their mind off all the things going around that time which were also needed to be done in their home as going outside was prohibited. I myself also tried a lot of new things both out of necessity and out of boredom from constant stay at home.

I remember planting a mango seed in an abandoned pot in my home out of curiosity. To my surprise it started to sprout and over the time it kept on growing little by little. For better ventilation I took it to the rooftop. I named the plant Dave. After some time, Dave grew up well and was on it's way to be full length tree, so the terrace wasn't a safe place for it anymore, so I had to transfer it to my my village home in Patiya. Currently it's well off and gives of mangoes which honestly aren't that good.

Secondly, because of the closure of all the saloons most of us couldn't cut our hair. So many of us tried to do it ourselves. I think I actually did it pretty well. This is my friend after I cut his fair with nothing but a trimmer.

Also, during this time I had an issue with my bicycle. But because of closure of all the service centers, I had to fix it on my own. At first I completely destroyed everything and even made some permanent damage to many parts. So inorder to fix them I doubled down on learning how to fix bicycle and gradually I got pretty good. After some time I started working on others bicycle and after that I started charging them money. Honestly it was a great learning experience.

Also during the pandemic, people were sat on their home, so they barely had any movement and they got physically bored. So me and some of my close associates collected old exercise machines from many houses in our building, fixed them as much as we could and made a home gym for all. We also appointmented a fixed time only for women.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, the need for hand wash and hand sanitizer was at an all time high. During the beginning of the lockdown, I actually got a contact with a distributor who a had a huge stock of savlon hand wash and hand sanitizer. I actually had to bid in order to buy from him. Finally I got a few boxes of hand sanitizer which I sold for handsome profit. But sadly, the distributor later ran out of products himself and I couldn't get hold of any other alternate source. So I couldn't sell anymore. It was a short but sweet experience.


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